Hayley traverso
Hayley traverso


The guidance on this website serves three purposes:

hayley traverso


To address the need for enhanced early literacy instruction, over the next several years the Department will issue guidance for early literacy programming paired with implementation supports, including resources, professional development, and grants. As a result, it identifies two areas of focus for the Department's instructional support for English Language Arts and Literacy: high-quality core instruction and evidence-based early literacy. This strategic plan responds to the concerns of educators along with ELA/Literacy achievement data. Starting in 2018, staff in the Department's Office of Literacy and Humanities engaged educators and other stakeholders statewide to develop the Department's Literacy Strategic Plan, which is entitled An Excellent Education in ELA and Literacy for All. To achieve equity, every student in our schools must receive the high-quality curriculum and evidence-based instruction they need and deserve. This statistic reflects not student effort or ability, but opportunity and support to learn. Only about half of Massachusetts third-graders today are meeting literacy expectations. In the Massachusetts school system today, some of our children receive the instruction and support they need to develop a strong foundation for literacy - and some don't.

hayley traverso hayley traverso

Mass Literacy: Empowering Educators and Students in Massachusetts Through Evidence-Based Early Literacy The Background Instructional Support Culturally Responsive Practice CURATE Educator Effectiveness Educator Evaluation Educator Licensure Educator Preparation Educator Recognition English Learner Education Equitable Access Induction and Mentoring Instructional Materials Learning Standards Literacy and Humanities Mass Literacy MTEL PAL Professional Development Professional Learning Remote Learning Resources RETELL Social and Emotional Learning STEM Talent Guide Teacher Leadership World Languages


Circuit Breaker Spending Comparisons TransportationĬommissioner's Office About the Commissioner Back to School Commissioner's Update Learning Adventures Special Advisories Strategic Plan Superintendents' Checklistĭistrict Support Accountability Lists, Materials, and Tools Approved Special Education Schools Chronically Underperforming Schools and Districts Data and Accountability District Review Documentation District Review Reports Federal Reports Leadership and Governance (Toolkit) Leading Educational Access Project (LEAP) Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Public School Monitoring School and District Profiles School and District Report Cards Special Education Special Education in Institutional Settings Statewide System of Support Student Opportunity ActĮducational Options Adult and Community Learning Services Alternative Education Charter Schools College Career, and Technical Education Commonwealth Virtual Schools Early College Educational Collaboratives Family Portal High School Equivalency (HSE) Home Schooling Innovation Pathways Inter-District School Choice Mass Academy of Math and Science at WPI METCO Problem Resolution System Public School Districts Recovery High Schools School Finder School Redesign Student and Family Support Vocational Technical Programs Administration and Finance Accounting and Auditing Chapter 70 Program Chapter 74 Nonresident Tuition Charter Finance and Enrollment DESE Budget Federal Grant Programs Food and Nutrition Grants/Funding Opportunities Inter-District School Choice Regional Districts School Buildings School Finance Regulations Special Ed.

Hayley traverso